April 28, 2011

Quick Thoughts: COUGAR TOWN, "You're Gonna Get It"

While I still found parts of "You're Gonna Get It" funny, the show itself still hasn't found its footing after the extended break. Either that or I've out grown Cougar Town over the last two and a half months. Either way, this week's episode was decent but not great.

First off, I have to admit that I had to catch up on "You're Gonna Get It" via Hulu because I could not get past the cold open. As soon as Laurie brought up the idea of @TheLarmy, I was out and didn't come back. I'm not opposed to shows using social networking as a way to market themselves, but for some reason this Twitter gag felt desperate (not as bad as Diet Dr. Pepper, but close). I love Laurie as a character, but she's best in small doses, so the idea of an entire Twitter feed dedicated to her was cringe-worhty. It didn't help that I'm over her "laugh" joke too.

What I didn't mind though was her taking on Grayson and Ellie at trivia, and I'd like the teaming up of the latter two. That's a relationship this show really needs to develop even more (just like the Bobby/Laurie pairing). My only hesitation about this plot was how it's going to be further proof of why Laurie and Travis should be brought together romantically, which is still the ickiest idea this show has entertained.

I wasn't too enamored with Jules' story either. Having her freeze up because she cannot handle being humiliated in public could've been a really great characteristic for her, but the show's gone out of its way to make me dislike her so much that I couldn't muster any sympathy or empathy for her. Unfortunately, this is what happens when you make a character so unappealing, and I feel Cougar Town has a problem with Jules that it cannot overcome.

The main bright spot was watching Bobby, Andy, and Travis at the PGA event. The story itself wasn't built on any groundbreaking premise, but I really enjoy watching the guys interact with one another (I still want a Mantherville spin-off with just them). Plus, I'm always a sucker for the Confidence Dance. It gets me every time. I also loved how Bobby embraced his new public image, and how he used it to help Jules get over her fear of public ridicule. It seems like the only time I can stand Jules is when she has these smaller, sweet moments with Bobby, so kudos for that.

So while "You're Gonna Get It" didn't have me in stitches, it was still an OK effort. I just hope this recent loss in quality is temporary, and the Cul-De-Sac Crew is back with a vengeance in the coming weeks. This show cannot afford losing viewers, and that could be a real possibility if it doesn't up its game.


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