November 28, 2012

Quick Thoughts: GO ON, "Back, Back, Back... It's Gone"

I had mixed feelings after watching "Back, Back, Back... It's Gone!" because it was funny but also a giant tease.

I've been complaining all season about the lack of Carrie, so I was excited when it looked like she was going to play a major part in the episode as Ryan's guide to getting back in the game. Sure, we got some very cute moments between the two of them, but she vanished when the story shifted to him and Lauren. I get that those two are destined to be together, but I get far more enjoyment out of his bond with Carrie than from his contrived "will they/won't they" with Lauren. That said, I did like how the show undercut the tension by pointing out that everyone falls for her and it's not a big deal.

The sub-plots involving some of the ensemble were decent enough but nothing to get too jazzed about. I guess Sonia and Danny's search for the missing cat was cute in its own way, but I don't know why we should care about them as a couple at this point. I'm a fan of George, so I would've liked to see more about his birthday extravaganza but I understand why it was limited.

In the end, "It's Gone" was funny enough to keep me happy, but we'd better get more Carrie or I'm going to be pissed.


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