September 21, 2009

My Two-Cents on the 2009 Emmy Awards Show

I've never been much of an Emmys fan (I'm more of a Oscars kinda guy), but I am a fan of Neil Patrick Harris, so of course I tuned in last night as the best former kid M.D. hosted the award show.

Overall, the winners left little to the imagination, and I really could careless because none of the shows that I watch won a damn thing (with the exception of Kristin Chenoweth's Best Supporting Actress win for her role on Pushing Daisies), but I didn't watch the show for the awards...just for NPH, and he did not disappoint.

First off, NPH was looking smoking in his white tuxedo and he started off the show in style with an opening number that rivaled the closing number he sung when he hosted the Tony's.

I think we were all expecting him to pull of a little song and dance, and of course he delivered the goods like only he could.

Then, there was the moment when he lost Best Supporting Actor to Jon Cryer (a crime if you ask me), but NPH was able to play the jilted role brilliantly, including a tongue in cheek grilling of the winner while he was in the press room.

The awesomness was turned up to eleven when Dr. Horrible and the gang interrupted the show to debate the downfall of television...

The best part of this clip was Nathan Fillion's subtle dig at Castle's CBS rival CSI: Miami. Brilliant.

So, while the actual winners were predictable and boring, the show itself was entertaining mostly due to Neil Patrick Harris' ability to be a great host. He's two for two, and I'd love to see him host again (the Golden Globes perhaps?).


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